Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mr. Jones' European History Quiz

The quiz on the European countries and their capitals is, as you should know, on Friday. Many of us have not yet memorized the capitals and their locations, so I have found several useful sites to remedy that. (Juniors and seniors--if you, by chance, still have a good website that's not on here, please leave it in the comments!)

  • For this one, you have to click "next question" each time you answer correctly, but I think this may be the best overall.
  • This one is a little annoying--it says the names of the countries and there's no way to mute it. Also, you do not have to register to use it. Just click "Maybe Later".
  • This one is good, but it only does ten at a time, and if you do more than one session, it tends to repeat a little.
Oh, and thanks to Jennie for recommending the second site and motivating me to find some more! :)

ALSO: Jemimah has recommended another site. It's good for reference and a little review if you don't want to play an entire game. It shows the country and capital when you hover over that section of the map.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Much appreciated!