Monday, January 5, 2009

Weekly Update!

Alright! It's the first weekly update of the new year! Hope everyone has a great second semester.

Tuesday -
  • IB World Geography (Mr. Sutton) - It'd be nice to have some research done for your IA, though it's not mandatory. Don't forget the rough draft is due 20 January.
  • IB Theatre I (Mrs. Brooks) - I recommend being up-to-date on your journal entries, though she hasn't given us any sort of due date for anything yet.
  • AP Chemistry (Mrs. Smith) - The take-home test on Chapters 13 and 14 will be due.
Wednesday -
  • AP English Literature and Composition (Mr. Murray) - I apologize for not getting the assignment myself, as I didn't see the board, but through reliable sources I have heard that we will be having a quiz on major themes and characters from Madame Bovary. Be sure to have all of the book read. If someone could comment and confirm this, that would be great.

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