Sunday, November 29, 2009

IB Geography: IA Outline Details

These are requirements for the IA Outline that Mr. Sutton wrote on the board on Tuesday.

A. Hypothesis/Research Question
Fully introduce your topic and clearly explain the hypothesis/research question. Explain how your topic is "geography" and how it represents globalization.

B. Methods of Data Collection

Refine and polish your annotated bibliography/.

C. Data Presentation and Processing

Describe the illustrations (maps, charts, graphs) you plan to use. (I think this is where you'd talk about any other data you plan to use.)

D. Interpretation and Analysis
Describe your preliminary findings from the research you've done.

E. Conclusion and Evaluation
Nothing is required for this section yet.


Anonymous said...

Good fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.

Anonymous said...

Brim over I assent to but I about the post should secure more info then it has.