Sunday, March 1, 2009

Weekly Update!

Alright! We're getting closer and closer to the end of the third quarter. Only a few weeks left!

This week's agenda:

Monday -

  • IB World Geography (Mr. Sutton) - Tourism presentations will presumably begin. Make sure your group is prepared, and do not make it a "stand-up act".
  • AP English Literature and Composition (Mr. Murray) - Individual oral presentations will continue in a few classes. Other classes will presumably work on their Power of Myth worksheets or read Chronicle of a Death Foretold.
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - The 1998 AP review will be due. Be sure to round to three (3) decimal places if rounding is necessary.
  • AP U.S. History (Mr. Rose) - There will be a test on Chapters 23 and 24 from the textbook. Be sure to study by looking over notes to get the "big picture", and reading the text to pick up minor details. Mr. Rose also stressed that you look over the terms on the terms list, as apparently all will make an appearance.
  • AP Chemistry (Mrs. Smith) - The physics worksheet will presumably be due. Be sure to complete it.
Tuesday -

Wednesday -

Thursday -

  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - The IB review will be due. Be sure to round to three (3) significant figures if rounding is necessary.
Friday -
  • IB Theatre I (Mrs. Brooks) - The pitch for your individual piece of theatre that was created from the poem stimulus will be due. It MUST NOT exceed 200 words. Not even 201 words is acceptable.
  • AP English Literature and Composition (Mr. Murray) - The Power of Myth Chapter 5 worksheets will be due. Be sure to answer in complete sentences.
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - The rough draft of calculator lab #11 will be due.


Anonymous said...


sethisodd said...

Don't remind you of what?

Plus isn't that the point of a weekly update? Reminders?