Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Animal Test II – What You Need to Know, AP Biology, Bidwell

Sorry, everyone -- no guide tonight! However, I posted the list of things that will be making an appearance on tomorrow's test, as dictated by Ms. Bidwell in class today.

Nervous System

- Action potential in detail

- Synapses and neurotransmitters

- Parts of the brain and their function

Sensory and Motor Mechanisms

- Muscle Anatomy

- The Sliding Filament Model

Animal Reproduction

- Anatomy of Male and Female Reproductive Tract

- Oogenesis and Spermatogenesis

- Hormone cycles and feedback systems in males and females

- Be familiar with hormones such as FSH, LH, and Oxytocin

Animal Development

- Extra-embryonic membranes and their functions for mammals, birds, and reptiles.

- Embryonic development progression

- Formation of endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm. What organs/systems result?

- Organoogenesis

- Notochord Formation

- Factors involving what cells develop into, induction, hometic and Hox genes, homeobox.

- Ability to compare the embryos of frogs, humans, sea urchins, etc.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Weekly Update!

Time for another exciting week of PHS[IB], a week including my birthday! :D Don't forget HELIE'S birthday!

This week's agenda:


  • IB Pre-Calculus (Mrs. Li) - The "Fishing Rods" IA is due TODAY! No exceptions, so get it done and turn it in, everyone.
  • AP English Literature and Composition (Mr. Murray) - The third and last journal for Chronicle of a Death Foretold will be due. Pick one of the two remaining prompts on your assignment sheet.
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - We will continue the IB activity begun on Thursday. Remember that you are allowed to use the IB formula packet. Be sure to round to three (3) significant digits if necessary. Juniors, the "Designing a Freight Elevator" HL IA Type II will be due today with NO EXCEPTIONS! Get it in (Neha)! Do your best, as this will count 15% of your final IB Math HL score.
Tuesday -
  • IB Theatre I (Mrs. Brooks) - The outline for the research investigation will be due.
  • AP Chemistry (Mrs. Smith) - There will be a test on Chapter 19 from the textbook.
Wednesday -
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - We will begin an IB activity that will last until Friday. Be sure to round to three (3) significant digits if necessary. You will also be allowed to use the IB formula packet.
  • AP U.S. History (Mr. Rose) - The prompt question research will be due. Be sure to have it typed and include specific historical examples in your research. In addition, there will be a quiz. Half of it will come from Chapter 11 of the Princeton Review. The other half will come from the lecture notes.
Thursday -
  • AP English Literature and Composition (Mr. Murray) - We will be having a quiz on Part III (p.48-71) of Chronicle. Be sure to read carefully for minor details.
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - We will continue the IB activity. Be sure to round to three (3) significant digits if necessary. You will also be allowed to use the IB formula packet.
  • IB Theatre I (Mrs. Brooks) - The research investigation is due on your chosen topic. Remember, the SL word limit is 1500-1750. The HL word limit is something like 2000-2500 (I didn't catch it since it didn't apply to me). Be sure to do well, as it counts 25% of your final IB Theatre score (from 1-7). Alternately, you may turn it in on 13 April with no penalty, though you will have the minor penalty of having to work harder during Spring Break. The choice is yours.
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - The first and final draft of calculator lab #13 will be due. Note that THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN USUAL. THERE IS NO ROUGH DRAFT. We will also finish the IB activity begun Wednesday. Remember to be sure to round to three (3) significant digits if necessary. Also, don't forget that you are allowed to use the IB formula packet.
  • AP Chemistry (Mrs. Smith) - The acid-base titration lab will be due. Be sure to follow the IB rubric.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

AP Biology

When studying for the AP Biology exam, remember that past free-response questions as well as scoring guidelines are available at http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/biology/samp.html. This is also a useful resource when studying for the free-response tests that Mrs. Bidwell will be having from now until the AP exam.

Thanks to Freddie for reminding me to post this!

Pre-IB Chemistry Test (Nagel)

Hey, everyone. There has been some confusion as to when Ms. Nagel's Pre-IB Chemistry test is. It was going to be on Thursday, then she switched it to Friday, then back to Thursday, and finally, it is on FRIDAY. The test is definitely on Friday, March 27.

Monday, March 23, 2009

APEH, World War I, Bullington

APEH, WWI APEH, WWI Julie A brief, general description of the events leading up, during, and after World War I.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekly Update!

Hey, everyone! Second week of the LAST quarter of the school year! -cheers-

IMPORTANT: There will be NO SCHOOL on Wednesday, 25 March, due to a Teacher Planning Day. Be sure to not attend.

This week's agenda:

Monday -

  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - We will continue the AP activity begun on Friday. Be sure to round to three (3) decimal places if necessary.
  • AP U.S. History (Mr. Rose) - There will be a test on Chapters 25, 26, and 27 from the textbook. Be sure to study by looking over notes to get the "big picture", and reading the text to pick up minor details.
  • AP Chemistry (Mrs. Smith) - The outline for Chapter 19 of the textbook will be due. We also are presumably continuing the lab begun on Friday, so be sure to wear close-toed shoes/appropriate lab clothing in general.
Tuesday -

Wednesday -

Thursday -
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - We will begin an IB activity that will last until Monday. Be sure to round to three (3) significant digits if necessary. You will also be allowed to use the IB formula packet.
Friday -
  • IB Spanish III (Sr. Alemañy) - We will have a test on Capítulo 7. Be sure to study the textbook and vocabulary.
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - The final draft of calculator lab #12 will be due. We will also continue the IB activity. Remember to be sure to round to three (3) significant digits if necessary. Also, don't forget that you are allowed to use the IB formula packet.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AP Biology, Structure and Function of Animals Test

I will be publishing sections of this guide throughout the night. Check this post for information on the publication status of each section.
  • Major Types of Tissues - COMPLETED 6:05 pm
  • Digestion - COMPLETED 6:05 pm
  • Circulation - COMPLETED 7:05 pm
  • Respiration - COMPLETED 7:33 pm
  • Body Defenses - COMPLETED 10:38 pm
  • Homeostasis/Excretion - NOT INCLUDED
  • Endocrine - NOT INCLUDED
Please note that homeostasis/excretion are not covered in this guide. See the Barron's Guide or your class notes for a succinct explanation. Sorry, everyone, but I need to study for the Pre-Calculus test tomorrow!
AP Biology, Chapters Forty-One Thru Forty-Five - Animals, Guide AP Biology, Chapters Forty-One Thru Forty-Five - Animals, Guide Julie A study guide about the structure and function of animals.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

IB Chemistry III: Electrolysis Guide

Good luck on the quiz tomorrow, everyone! AND don't forget to turn in IA labs TOMORROW or else! --Autumn
Chem Study Guide: Electrolysis Chem Study Guide: Electrolysis Autumn Study for the quiz! Stare at pretty pictures! Enjoy the wonder of extended chemistry metaphors!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekly Update!

To misquote Seth: "[First] week of the [new] quarter! Huzzah!"

Correction: To IB Seniors - IB Science Labs (Bio and Chem, IA and regular) are due WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, not Monday. That was a mistake on my part. Be sure to have them Wednesday, though!

NHS Members: The Spring Induction Ceremony is at 6 pm on Thursday, March 19. If you are a current member, attendance is mandatory (except in extreme cases) and you receive one service hour for it. If you're one of our 50-odd spring inductees: great job, and see you Thursday in the auditorium for ceremony and cake! (Set up is at 5pm if you want to help)


  • IB Biology III (Bidwell) - Turn in your IA labs. They count for 24% of your " grade for your pass score" according to Mrs. Bidwell herself. They're important, so turn them in today!
  • IB English IV (Benson) - Beloved Commentary #3 (through the end of Part One) due today.
  • IB Chemistry IV (Nagel) - Puddle electrolysis lab also due today. It's not an IA lab.
  • IB French IV (May) - IB orals start. Be prepared to talk for 4 minutes, then answer questions about your oral and your life in general for 8 more--a total of 12 Frenchified minutes. Orals will continue through March 27.
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - We will begin an IB activity that will end on Wednesday. Be sure to round to three (3) significant digits if necessary. You will be allowed to use your IB formula packet.


  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - IB activity. Again, be sure to round to three (3) significant digits if necessary. You will be allowed to use your IB formula packet.


  • IB BIOLOGY AND IB CHEMISTRY (Bidwell and Nagel) - ALL LABS DUE TODAY. IA and regular. We know you guys are working hard. Keep up the progress! Guides By Julie is sending you cyberspace vibes of good karma, luck, intelligence, and rest. Good luck!
  • IB TOK (Brooks and Benson) - We'll be in the computer lab again, working on... English. Writing about English books.
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - This will be the final part of the IB activity begun Monday. Remember to round to three (3) significant digits if necessary, and that you are allowed to use the IB formula packet.


  • NHS Inductions: 6 pm in the PHS auditorium!
  • IB TOK (Brooks) - The rankings of ethical characters, along with explanations, are due today.
  • IB History of the Americas (Bullington) - Have Chapter Five (starting on p. 199) of Latin America read for class, as well as that intro section starting on p. 57 that we read in class Wednesday.
  • IB Pre-Calculus (Li) - There is a test on Sections 8.3 - 8.5 of the textbook. Remember to review the applications of vectors, as there will be two questions like those on the test. Additionally, a proof will be a bonus.
  • AP Biology (Bidwell) - There is a major test on chapters 41 - 45 in Campbell on animal structure and function. Remember to study all of the topics presented on the review sheet she handed out today. The essay will come from "Body Defenses."


  • IB English IV (Benson) - Beloved Commentary #4 (Part Two, all of it) due today.
  • IB Spanish III (Sr. Alemañy) - There will be a quiz on the vocabulary from Capítulo 7. It will be the same format as every other vocab. quiz from this year.
  • AP English Literature and Composition (Mr. Murray) - The second journal for Chronicle of a Death Foretold will be due. You make pick any of the three prompts left on your assignment sheet.
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - The rough draft of calculator lab #12 will be due. In addition, we will begin an AP activity that will end Monday. Be sure to round to three (3) decimal places if necessary.
  • AP Chemistry (Mrs. Smith) - Be sure to have the first homework assignment completed. In addition, there will be a lab, so be sure to bring close-toed shoes.
  • AP European History (Mr. Bullington) - There is a test on all of WWI.
  • AP World History (Mr. Rose)- There is a test on Chps. 24 and 29.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Weekly Update!

Last week of the quarter! Huzzah!

IMPORTANT: Freshmen and sophomores will take the FCAT Reading and Math components on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. Juniors and seniors should not come to school until noon (12 PM). On Thursday, juniors will be taking the FCAT Science component, but it is a normal school day for everyone else.

To all classes: The IB Literary Magazine could really use some more art of all kinds for its pages. This means painting, digital/graphic art, photography, drawings--even sculptures, if you take a photograph of them. The deadline has already passed, but if you give your art (on a CD or flash drive, or in hard copy format) directly to Mrs. Benson or a trusted LitMag rep, we will work hard to find a place for it. Thanks! --Autumn

This week's agenda:

Monday -

  • IB English IV (Benson) - Soft deadline: the Second Beloved Commentary through page 147 in the new red book with gold text. Stop at "The last of the Sweet Home men..." This may be turned in today or Thursday, but remember that the third is due absolutely Friday, and there is a test Thursday. See below.
  • IB Chemistry III (Nagel) - Redox titration lab due today. It's an IA being graded for data collection/processing and conclusion/evaluation, so watch your analysis and presentation, especially error. The Redox assessment statements are also due today!!
  • IB Theatre I (Mrs. Brooks) - Bibliographies for the research investigations will be due. Note that the number of sources was changed from ten (10) to five (5) since UWF's library is not open this weekend. Make sure that you eventually get more sources than Monday's required five.
  • AP English Literature and Composition (Mr. Murray) - Pages 3-24 of Chronicle of a Death Foretold should be read.
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - The 1999 AP review will be due. Be sure to round to three (3) decimal places if rounding is necessary.
  • AP U.S. History (Mr. Rose) - There will be a document-based question (DBQ) test on the Gilded Age. In your studying, be sure to emphasize women and industry in general.
  • AP Chemistry (Mrs. Smith) - The quiz consisting of 2 AP-style free response questions will be due FOR A GRADE.
Tuesday -

Wednesday -

  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - Juniors and Seniors, come to school. There will be an activity today!

Thursday -

  • IB English IV (Benson) - Beloved commentary #2 due if not turned in Monday. Test on pages 1-147 in red book. This will cover the realms of the first two commentaries. Also be prepared to answer questions relating to the Toni Morrison video interview and the 21-page essay we read on trees. Heads up!
  • IB Chemistry III (Nagel) - Puddle electrolysis lab. It's short and an easy write-up, so we'll be spending part of class afterward doing that.
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - The IB review will be due. Be sure to round to three (3) significant figures if rounding is necessary.
  • AP Chemistry (Mrs. Smith) - 7th period will take the test on Chapters 17 and 18. Be sure to complete the homework for studying and also because it will be due at the beginning of class. Outlines of the chapters, as always, can be done for extra credit.
Friday -
  • IB English IV (Benson) - Beloved Commentary #3 (through the rest of Part One) due today.
  • IB World Geography (Mr. Sutton) - INTERNAL ASSESSMENTS WILL BE DUE! DON'T FORGET! Remember that the word limit is 1500. Be sure to follow Sutton's advice from your rough draft and good, good luck!
  • IB Theatre I (Mrs. Brooks) - The question for the research investigation should be decided by this point.
  • AP English Literature and Composition (Mr. Murray) - A journal entry will be due for Chtonicle of a Death Foretold. You can pick any of the four.
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - The final draft of calculator lab #11 will be due.
  • AP Chemistry (Mrs. Smith) - 5th and 6th periods will take the test on Chapters 17 and 18. See Thursday's entry for tips.
  • AP English Language and Composition (Mrs. Harvilchuck) - There is a test on short stories.
  • Algebra II Honors (Mr. Bobbitt) - There is a test on conic sections.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Weekly Update!

Alright! We're getting closer and closer to the end of the third quarter. Only a few weeks left!

This week's agenda:

Monday -

  • IB World Geography (Mr. Sutton) - Tourism presentations will presumably begin. Make sure your group is prepared, and do not make it a "stand-up act".
  • AP English Literature and Composition (Mr. Murray) - Individual oral presentations will continue in a few classes. Other classes will presumably work on their Power of Myth worksheets or read Chronicle of a Death Foretold.
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - The 1998 AP review will be due. Be sure to round to three (3) decimal places if rounding is necessary.
  • AP U.S. History (Mr. Rose) - There will be a test on Chapters 23 and 24 from the textbook. Be sure to study by looking over notes to get the "big picture", and reading the text to pick up minor details. Mr. Rose also stressed that you look over the terms on the terms list, as apparently all will make an appearance.
  • AP Chemistry (Mrs. Smith) - The physics worksheet will presumably be due. Be sure to complete it.
Tuesday -

Wednesday -

Thursday -

  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - The IB review will be due. Be sure to round to three (3) significant figures if rounding is necessary.
Friday -
  • IB Theatre I (Mrs. Brooks) - The pitch for your individual piece of theatre that was created from the poem stimulus will be due. It MUST NOT exceed 200 words. Not even 201 words is acceptable.
  • AP English Literature and Composition (Mr. Murray) - The Power of Myth Chapter 5 worksheets will be due. Be sure to answer in complete sentences.
  • AP Calculus BC (Mr. Bobbitt) - The rough draft of calculator lab #11 will be due.