Tuesday, December 9, 2008

AP English Language and Composition, Sonnet Organizers

The publication below consists of graphic organizers along the lines of what Ms. Harvilchuck passed out a few days ago - however, each sonnet has its own page and there is room for note-taking around the sonnet. This is recommended for people who like to work directly with the lines, rather than referring back to the poem constantly. It is meant to complement the organizer she gave us, as hers is very useful for comparing all the sonnets and a quick memory refresher.

Feel free to make use of the organizer as you wish - mark line numbers, put the rhyme of each lines next to the end, add stress marks, underline words you think are important, etc. It's all up to you and how you want to organize your thoughts about the sonnet.

EDIT - There have been technical difficulties in uploading, but we hope to have this resolved very soon.

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